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The Most Famous Pharaohs Gold Statues

Pharaohs were very famous with their taste and sense of art. Most of the beautiful ancient statues and sculptures were made by the hand of Ancient Egyptians. They used to use different materials to carve adorable statues. They carved many statues for the kings and the queens from gold and other precious materials. These statues remain until this time, the great example of art, skill and dexterity to indicate the high level of artistic and technical achievements of the ancient Egyptians. Here we will display the most famous Pharaohs Gold Statues that dazzled the world

Tutankhamun gold statue and his artifacts

Tutankhamun was the son of Akhenaten. He was the pharaoh of the eighteen Egyptian family in the history of ancient Egypt . He was called The Golden Pharaoh as he was the most pharaoh king who had a lot of famous gold statues and many artifact pieces made of gold that was discovered in his tomb. The first thing about all his gold stuffs are his three main golden coffins, which were in the form of a statue of Tutankhamun one of pure gold and others of gilded wood, then there is the golden mask that was covering the face of King in the shape of his face. And there is a statue of the king’s body that is made of many precious materials like Gold, carnelian, obsidian, rock crystal and glass

Horus (The Son of Isis

Horus was a strong warrior who was depicted in the ancient Egyptian civilization as a falcon head and human body. He represented the god of the sun, war and protection. There are many different gold statues for Horus according to different Egyptian myths

King Psusennes I

He was the third king of the Twenty-first dynasty of Egypt. It has been discovered a gold burial mask of the King in 1940. This mask was made of gold and lapis lazuli with the usage of the glass paste that inlaid the eyelids and brows, but the eyes are made of black and white stone. It is found now in the Cairo Museum

Osiris Pharaoh Statue

Osiris was the husband of Isis. He was the god of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead for ancient Egyptians who was depicted as a man with green skin and a pharaoh’s beard.

Anubis Statue

He was the god of the Dead who the protected the tombs of the deceased and their journey into the afterlife for ancient Egyptians. He was shaped as a man body with a jackal head.

Britain  Tutankhamun Exhibition

Sobek Egyptian Water God

The word Sobek means ” crocodile”. He was the god of water for the ancient Egyptians who was supposed to protect them from the danger of the crocodiles that lived in the Nile river water. he was pictured as a man with a green crocodile face.

Pharaoh Khafra (Khefren)

He was the son of Khufu from the fourth dynasty of old kingdom. He was the builder of the second largest Giza pyramids. There are some Egyptian legends telling that he was also the builder of the Great Sphinx that may have been considered as a guardian of Khafra’s pyramid.


He was the god of the sun, the wind and fertility for the ancient Egyptians and also a local god of Thebes. After Driving the Hyksos away from Egypt by Ahmose I, people supposed that Amun helped Ahmose with his supernatural powers in this great victory so they called him “Amun-Ra”.

Yuya and Tuya

They were the parents of Queen Tiye who was the great wife of the Egyptian pharaho Amenhotep III and the great grandparents of Tutankhamun. Yuya was the father and he was the commander of the Chariotry and the priest from Akhmim in Upper Kemet, and Tuya was the mother who was the singer of Hathor and the chief of the entertainers of Amun and Min.

Thoth statue

He was the god of wisdom for the pharaohs and one of the most important ancient Egyptian gods. He was imaged as a man with an ibis or a baboon head. His wife was Ma’at. The god Thoth was considered the one who taught writing and arithmetic to the ancient Egyptians.

Set (Seth) statue

He was the god of desert and storms for ancient Egyptians. He killed his brother Osiris therefore became the god of evil and violence. He imaged as a man with animal face that has curved long snout, rectangular ears and a forked tail.

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